Enraged, he begins a hunt for the thief, attacking anyone who looks similar to the sketch. He is also informed that the suspect had a star tattoo on his left wrist. Peter is given a police sketch of the suspect, who he recognizes as the thief he let go at the store. He hears a gunshot, and when he goes to investigate, he finds that Uncle Ben has been shot. The store is robbed soon after, and when asked to help stop the thief, Peter sarcastically replies it is not his policy. The cashier refuses to let him pay two cents less, stating it is not his policy. Peter attempts to buy a small bottle of milk at a convenience store but is two cents short. Peter storms off and Ben leaves to search for him. When Peter returns home, he is scolded by Ben, who is enraged that he forgot to pick up May. Connors at OsCorp, helping to complete the regeneration formula, ignoring a call from Uncle Ben. Out of excitement, Peter goes to an abandoned shed after school and uses his new-found powers to swing from chains hanging from the ceiling. When Ben leaves, Peter asks Gwen out, and to his surprise, she says yes. Uncle Ben meets with the school principal and mentions that he had to switch his work shift in order to be there, and asks Peter to pick up Aunt May from that night. The next day, Peter humiliates Flash in the school gym but gets in trouble when he accidentally breaks the backboard of the basketball hoop.

After a short discussion, Peter gives Connors the equation to complete a limb regeneration formula, which he had learned from studying his father's notes. Connors at his home and reveals to him that he is Richard's son. Here, Peter's abilities begin to show, as he accidentally rips a woman's shirt off with his sticky hands, and takes out a group of enraged civilians, again by accident.įrightened by his new abilities, he attempts to research spider bite symptoms but is unable to find the spider that bit him, as it was a genetic mutation.

Peter takes a train home and falls asleep. One manages to stay on his neck when he left and bit him. Trying to find out more about his father's work, Peter sneaks into a lab where genetically altered spiders are being held. She allows Peter to stay, so long as he stays out of trouble. Gwen, who is the guide of the group and assistant to Connors, recognizes Peter very quickly. He goes to OsCorp searching for Connors and makes his way in by pretending to be a member of the high-school interns. Peter finds his father's briefcase in his house's basement, which reveals to him the plane crash that killed his parents, and that his father had worked for OsCorp with Dr. Flash Thompson bullied Peter, who caught the eye of fellow classmate and crush, Gwen Stacy. Peter grew up with the mystery of his parents' disappearance, becoming an outcast in high school. Young Peter Parker was left with his aunt and uncle, Ben and May, when his parents, Richard and Mary were forced to leave. But the one thing that has haunted me, my entire life, is find the truth about my parents. Cross-Species Virus (First appearance chronologically).Lizard Formula (First and only known appearance).Spider-Man's Web-Shooters (First appearance).Fish (Corpse, skeleton or other remains).New York City Fire Department (First appearance).Rodrigo Guevara (First and only known appearance).Genetically-Modified Spider (First appearance).Norman Osborn (First appearance) (Photo).Sally Avril (First and only known appearance).

T-Bone (First and only known appearance).Missy Kallenback (First and only known appearance).Mary Parker (First appearance) (Only in flashback) (Apparent death).Mysterious man in shadows (First appearance).Uncle Ben's killer (First and only known appearance).Flash Thompson (First and only known appearance).Richard Parker (First appearance) (Only in flashback) (Apparent death).Rajit Ratha (First and only known appearance) (Death off-screen) George Stacy (First and only known appearance dies) Ben Parker (First and only known appearance dies).Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (First appearance) (Main story and flashback) (Impersonates Rodrigo Guevara).